7 Tricep Exercises for Bigger Arms (DON'T SKIP THESE!)
For more workouts on how to get big triceps along with a nutrition plan designed for your goals, take my free body type quiz and get the right plan for you - http://vshred.fit/7TricepExercisesBigArms
In this video I take you 7 different tricep exercises you can do to get bigger arms! These are CRUCIAL exercises to add to your arm day arsenal to grow your triceps.
Reminder: DO NOT perform all 7 of these in the same routine, pick 3-4 tops and perform 3 sets at a 12-15 rep range.
Let me know your favorite down in the comments below.
1) Close Grip Bench Press
2) EZ Bar Skullcrushers
3) Overhead Dumbbell Extensions
4) Tricep Cable Extensions
5) Single Arm Cable Extensions
6) Overhead Cable Extensions
7) Dumbbell Kickbacks
Be sure to click the thumbs up & let me know in the comments what exercises you'll be trying out below!
See ya next video!
7 Tricep Exercises for Bigger Arms (DON'T SKIP THESE!)
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Intro Song: Always Have by Castor Troy
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